- addMasterEffect
void addMasterEffect(IAudioEffect effect)
Adds an effect on the master channel (all sounds mixed together).
- createEffectCustom
IAudioEffect createEffectCustom(EffectCallbackFunction callback, void* userData)
Creates an effect with a custom callback processing function.
(All effects get destroyed automatically when the IMixer is destroyed).
- createEffectGain
IAudioEffect createEffectGain()
Creates an effect with a custom callback processing function.
(All effects get destroyed automatically when the IMixer is destroyed).
- createSourceFromFile
IAudioSource createSourceFromFile(const(char[]) path)
Create a source from file or memory.
(All sources get destroyed automatically when the IMixer is destroyed).
- createSourceFromMemory
IAudioSource createSourceFromMemory(const(ubyte[]) inputData)
Create a source from file or memory.
(All sources get destroyed automatically when the IMixer is destroyed).
- getSampleRate
float getSampleRate()
- isErrored
bool isErrored()
- lastErrorString
const(char)[] lastErrorString()
- play
void play(IAudioSource source, PlayOptions options)
- play
void play(IAudioSource source, float volume)
Undocumented in source.
- playbackTimeInSeconds
double playbackTimeInSeconds()
- setMasterVolume
void setMasterVolume(float volume)
Sets the volume of the master bus (volume should typically be between 0 and 1).
- stopAllChannels
void stopAllChannels(float fadeOutSecs)
Undocumented in source.
- stopChannel
void stopChannel(int channel, float fadeOutSecs)
Stop sound playing on a given channel.
Public API for the Mixer object.